
Meet the team - Littlegreenshed

Friday, November 16, 2012

Please meet Littlegreenshed aka Bristol based illustrator / photographer Lou Archell. Lou's work is inspired by her love of nature.  She uses a mix of pen, watercolour, photography and digital illustration to create unique images.  We caught up with Lou to ask her about her involvement with the Paper • Scissors • Stone Temporium and her experiences of being a creative in the lovely city of Bristol. 

Why is Bristol a great place to be a creative?
There is such a wonderful community of creative people in Bristol.  And inspiration literally on every corner!  Not only that there are many opportunities to try out and learn new skills with the amazing array of workshops and courses.  I live in Bedminster, which has the wonderful North Street, home to great cafe's, theatres and shops.  I can walk from home and within minutes be by the harbourside or out amongst the trees in Ashton Court Estate.  Bristol is super cool and has a great reputation for innovative, unique and inspiring creative people.  Bristol rocks!
What do you think makes Paper • Scissors • Stone special?
A variety of locally made work all under one roof, which showcases the very best of Bristol.  I love that I can be in the shop and to talk customers about my work and others too.

Do you have any advice to other artists wishing to sell their work?
I think using Social Media is a must now a days.  Having a facebook page and a twitter account reaches people who live other parts of the world.  People can see your work, the processes, and see the face behind the work too.  

What's the most enjoyable thing about your chosen discipline?
I love to take photographs.  Going for a walk in Leigh woods provides so much inspiration and this then sparks a whole new series of prints.

What has proved the biggest work challenge so far this year?
I only started selling my work last year - so the costs of setting up have proven difficult.  Paying for printing and paper stock.

Where do you go or what do you do to find inspiration? 
The woods!  The beach... nature.

Are you planning any special Christmas creations? 
Yes ceramics.  I have a series of storage jars which I have decorated with colourful decals.  Think pebbles, flowers and seed heads.

What new tool, skill or resource would have a positive impact on your business?
I would love to learn to Screen print.  I think producing my own work would be massively satisfying!

Describe your studio or workspace?
My studio is in the spare bedroom in my home.  A light space with a small desk, books for inspiration, and close to my kettle for heaps of tea!

Facebook / Twitter / Blogging / Instagram…describe your relationship/experiences with social media….
I love to blog.  I write a successful lifestyle blog called littlegreenshed.  Over the past 2 years I have steadily built up a following of readers all over the world.  Through this you can find my work in shops and homes worldwide.  I have an Etsy, Folksy and Bigcartel shop too.  I love social media, I think it is important to self promote.  Otherwise people just won't find you, if you don't shout about it.

Which is your favourite local independent shop or eatery in Bristol & why?
Favourite shop - Howkapow.  It oozes cool design!

Tell us a secret….
I don't like bugs!

Finally if you where a biscuit, what would you be and why?
Wagon wheel - old school and smaller than you remember! (is a wagon wheel a biscuit?).

Find more of Lou's work here.

Do come and visit us at Volume 4 of the Paper • Scissors • Stone Temporium, located in Cabot's Circus, Bristol to have a look at Littlegreenshed's beautiful prints!

1 comment:

  1. I just came across this lovely shop on Etsy before reading this feature! Her ceramic teacups are beautiful. :•)
