
Meet the Maker - Devine Delinquents

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Meet Nicki from Devine Delinquents....

Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your work?
Hi, my name is Nikki and I am the designer/creator/ chief tea maker and bin emptier at Devine Delinquents.Devine Delinquents is a handmade independent jewellery company that was founded in May 2011. I specialise is making unique limited pieces of jewellery featuring everything from gothic pieces to high fashion items.  My work has an ongoing theme of being alternative.  I found that it was very difficult to find what I wanted on the high street without having to trawl relentlessly or paying a hell of a lot of money so what better than making your own pieces of jewellery.  Once people started seeing what I was making and wanting me to make them pieces I decided to start Devine Delinquents as an enterprise. So far it's been a lot of hard work but a lot of fun.  I've had a lot of wonderful opportunities from featuring in magazines, on blogs and even having my work shown at the Tate Modern as part of a one day exhibition in alternative culture. I don't think I've ever been happier than knowing that pictures of my work were being projected on to a huge wall of the new oil tanks whilst Damien Hirst's (a life long idol of mine) work was being displayed up stairs.

What do you think makes Paper • Scissors • Stone special?
The sense of community yet unique individuality that each artist and creative brings to the table.

What do you love most about working in your chosen discipline?
I think the ideas stage is my favourite as I can be creative as possible.  However when it comes to making things I sometimes have to come up with even more creative ideas of practicality.  I also love working alongside such amazing photographers and models that help to photograph my work and bring it to life for my website.

Describe your studio or workspace?
It's not grand my two cats often jump up and spill jump rings and glue every where. The area is filled with taxidermy, a very temperamental log burner, skulls, jars with preserved insects inside and general scraps of fabric, jewellery chains and my trusty ancient work table that my partners farther started his business on 45 years ago.  It is weather worn from being left outside for 6 months and the top is warped, I have drawn the standard lengths of necklace chains on the top of it.  The table also has a drawer that can only be opened with a knife being slid behind it! It may not be the ideal space but somehow it works.

Are you involved in any Christmas Markets, if so what?
Yes, the made in Bristol gift fair on the 16th of December. I am also having my own countdown to Christmas with a special offer on my facebook page every day until the 12th of December.  

What is your favourite part of Christmas?
I adore traditional Christmas markets, there is something so magical about them.  Also the food! You can't beat a good traditional christmas roast with the obligitory bad cracker jokes and hats.  I'm glad this year as I am free of cooking duties meaning I can have a stress free christmas day.

If you could choose a fellow Paper Scissors Stone artist to collaborate with who would it be and why?
This is a tough one for me as I am in love with so many people's work there...... The top two would have to be Tovicorrie as their leather work is gorgeous and Jess Quinn as she is so multi talented!

If you could choose one Christmas gift for yourself from Paper Scissors Stone, what would it be?
I have my eye on one of the lovely ceramic milk cartons by Hanne Rysgaard

Which is your favourite local independent shop or eatery in Bristol & why?
I have so many! I love creativity for obvious reasons.  Swinkys sweets at the bottom of Park Street for their delicious and inventive cupcakes.  BS8 as it is full of independents! Also anything in St Nicks market.

What are your plans for 2013?
Get bigger, get better and try harder.

What is your favourite Christmas song?
If I was going to be cool I would say Suzy Snowflake (look it up it's a good one!) 
However, I'm not that cool and my absolute favourite is Mariah Carey and all I want for Christmas (is you!)
Once a few mulled wines have been consumed I can wail to it with the best of them!  

Finally if you were a Christmas cracker, what inside treat would you be and why?
A tape measure. Practical and hopefully of some use!

Thank you Nikki - a really interesting interview, we will look up the Suzy Snowflake!
You can find Nikki's work on sale until the 31st December at Paper Scissors Stone, Quakers Friars.

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