
Meet the Maker Interview - Laura Mirjami

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your work?
My name is Laura Mirjami and I am a designer/maker of whimsical animal characters mainly made from fabric and leather. I originally come from Finland and I hope that my designs are reflecting a little bit of my roots by depicting animals in a clear, simple style that captures the essence of the animal more than the physical look of it.

What do you think makes Paper • Scissors • Stone special?
Everything is so beautifully presented with interesting work and the whole operation has such a lovely community spirit.

What do you love most about working in your chosen discipline?
I love taking something 2D and crafting it into a 3D item. And as the transformation happens, you can literally see the animals come alive, each one of them growing into their own little character.

Describe your studio or workspace?
I am lucky enough to be one of the resident makers at the New Brewery Arts centre in the heart of Cirencester.  I love my studio! All activity is centered around a large “cutting table” in the middle, the surrounding walls are filled with the materials I work with including leather, vintage fabrics, jars of colourful beads, buttons and trimmings. Sewing machines are tucked into corners while reels of wool and sewing thread are dotted about. Scissors of all sizes and measuring tapes hang from wall hooks. 
It may seem chaotic as every square inch of space is filled up but everything has it’s place and I love having all materials visible and easily accessible.

Are you involved in any Christmas Markets, if so what? 
Sadly no. However as my studio is open to the public, I'll be trying to get a Christmas market vibe going on in my workspace!

What is your favourite part of Christmas? 
I love the run up to Christmas, how decorations pop up and lights make dark evenings so much more endurable. I also love how the Christmas spirit can just sweep over to you from beautiful decorations, hearing a piece of music or having a lovely glass of mulled wine. 

If you could choose a fellow Paper Scissors Stone artist to collaborate with who would it be and why? 
I love Lizzie Pearce's animal brooches and I think by putting our magical animals together we could create something rather special. 

If you could choose one Christmas gift for yourself from Paper Scissors Stone, what would it be?
Lizzie Pearce's Badger Brooch 

Which is your favourite local independent shop or eatery in Bristol & why?
Workshop 22 opposite the Hospital is another wonderful place showcasing local talent and the Spanish cafe next door makes brilliant tortilla! 

What are your plans for 2013? 
I'm hoping to develop my leather animals more and even go a size larger! 

Finally if you were a Christmas cracker, what inside treat would you be and why?
I'd be a set of lovely Christmas fairy lights that would always work, year on year. No more trying to find that one culprit bulb that prevents the whole set from lighting up

Thank you Laura - your little Owl is such a cutie!
You can find Laura's gorgeous creatures in Paper Scissors Stone Volume 5 until the end of December.

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