
Meet the Maker, Paper Scissors Stone - Fritha Strickland

Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Paper Scissors Stone is opening this Thursday evening!  Whoop!  Let's meet our newest member of the shop team -  the talented Fritha Strickland. Fritha is not only an illustrator but the writer of Bristol based lifestyle blog Tigerlilly Quinn. She is one busy lady, over to you Fritha..

Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your work? 
My name is Fritha Moonbeatle Tigerlilly Quinn. I am a twenty something illustrator, mum to toddler Wilf and girlfriend to Tom. We live in Easton with our lazy fat cats. I studied Graphic Design in university with my final major project focussing on illustration and children’s books. It wasn’t until I had almost finished my degree did I realise my love for illustration over Graphic Design. For some years afterwards I tried to make my way as a children’s book illustrator but failed rather miserably. Meeting my boyfriend Tom in 2008 he encouraged me to start creating again and I found myself going down the route of editorial illustration. Since then I have illustrated the cover of the newspaper The Metro and produced Paperchase’s 2012 Valentines range. I’ve also produced illustrations for magazines such as Company, Computer Arts, Lionheart and many more.

Apart from creating things what else do you do? 
I run a blog called Tigerlilly Quinn where I document the beautiful things in life, time I share with my partner and toddler son, fashion inspiration and photography

When did you know you were an artist/maker? 
I have been drawing since as long as I can remember and I’ve never wanted to do anything different! I was brought up watching very little television and I credit this for giving me the inspiration to constantly create. When all the other children had the latest toy I was inspired to create my own toys, draw and cut out my own ‘Barbie’s or make a sculpture from the scrap box.

What do you love most about working in your chosen discipline? 
As an illustrator it is very easy for me to create, as I need is a pencil or pen! I use Rotring pens for line drawing or simply felt tips for my more colourful work. That being said I do also use Photoshop to edit elements of my work. What I love most about illustration is that it is assessable wherever you are or when the feeling takes you.

Where does your inspiration come from? 
My inspiration comes from animals, primary colours, nature and music. I can often get lost in the lyrics of a favourite song and have it inspire an illustration.

Describe your studio or workspace? 
Currently a cramped corner of the dinning room table, lucky I don’t actually need many materials to create! I used to have a room in our house that was my studio but now houses a toddler. My partner and I are working on renovating our built in wardrobe as a desk space for me in our bedroom.

If you could peek inside the studio of any artist, designer or craftsman (dead or alive), who would it be?
This was the question I was stuck most on! Although I love the work of Julie Verhoeven and would love to peek into her creative process, I would imagine it involved big messy splashes of colour!

How would you describe your creative process? 
Fairly simple, often involving music, and always involving tea

What handmade possession do you most cherish? 
My partner Tom is fantastic at making thoughtful handmade gifts. The most romantic thing he ever made me was a marshmallow castle but you would need to hear the full story to know why. There are a number of handmade gifts and stories I could tell you about but I think the time he made me an advent calendar with an envelope for each day filled with something collected, thought through or handmade, this was the thing I cherish the most. On the final day the envelope included a ring.. a wooden frog ring! Although I joked it was an engagement ring and often wear it like it is to tease him.

What do you when you are stuck in a creative rut? 
I’ve recently become rather addicted to Pinterest, I find looking at other illustrators work inspires me. If I get really stuck I know I have to step out of the situation, make a cup of tea, do the laundry or go grocery shopping. Sometimes mundane tasks give my head space to return to the task at hand with more energy.

Which is your favourite local independent shop or eatery in Bristol & why?
I love the area of Bristol we live in, it has the greatest variety of vegetarian places to eat and shop and there is a real community feel to it. My favourite place to do my groceries is The Sweet Mart a family run business that always take time to stop and chat to you and with an amazing deli with a wide range of vegetarian food. My favourite places to eat out would be Easton Taste for similar reasons, the food is the best Malaysian cuisine you will ever come across.

Where would you like to be in ten years? 
Exactly where I am now but perhaps earning a little more money ;)

Thank you Fritha! We would love to know more about that Marshmallow Castle!!  Tell us.  Fritha's work is available from Thursday evening in our Paper Scissors Stone shop.

Thursday 11th April 2013
5pm - 8pm

Paper Scissors Stone
Mon - Fri:  10am - 6pm
Sun:  11am - 5pm
Quakers Friars, Cabot Circus, Bristol

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