
Meet the Maker - Katy Luxton

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Katy Luxton's stunning flower/spirograph jewellery are a huge hit in the Made in Britain shop.  Katy kindly has given us a great interview to share with you today... over to you Katy:

Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your work?
Hi I am Katy and I have been running my business for just under a year. My jewellery is contemporary, sculptural, and wearable, I like exploring circles, repetition and positive & negative space. I trained over 10 years ago at Sir John Cass but a move to Cornwall, another career and a couple of children later, the time is  now right.

Apart from creating things what else do you do?
Looking after my 2 and 5 year old keeps me pretty busy, at the weekends we can be found in the woods or at the beach, and then warming up with tea and cake. 
When did you know you were an artist/maker?
I have always enjoyed making things, but it did take me a few brushes with jewellery before I realised that I could actually make it. At school we had to make a piece of jewellery using copper and brass, I still remember my the hours spent with wet and dry paper trying to make it perfect. After my drama degree (I knew I needed to do something creative but wasn't sure what) I wondered about turning to costume design as I can use a sewing machine but then I spotted an evening class in jewellery, that it clicked with me and I felt I had found my medium.

What do you love most about working in your chosen discipline?
The smell of the metal, and making something beautiful and wearable. I like the scale of jewellery, although one day I would like to work on a much bigger scale.

 Where does your inspiration come from?

I find circles and repetition appealing, I found the maths room in the science museum when i was studying and really liked all the little mathematical models. My Spiro collection came about after I was playing with a spirograph and found myself wanting to create one in 3d. I like the links with nature and geometry, the order, repetition with subtle changes and unusual quirks.

Describe your studio or workspace?

Compact and bijoux! It is tiny but big enough to create my jewellery in. It is next to the Kitchen at home and when I need more space I spread out onto the kitchen table. 

If you could peek inside the studio of any artist, designer or craftsman (dead or alive), who would it be?

I love seeing where other people create, any work space is interesting. Others storage ideas, their inspirations and models are brilliant to see. I would love to see inside a couple of sculptors workspaces too, David Nash and Peter Randell Page.  I have really enjoyed reading the other makers blogs that you have in Made in Britain and seeing their spaces too!

How would you describe your creative process?
I usually make a few quick sketches but find that I move onto models quite early on in the process. From there it is a case of refining my idea and I will go back to my sketch book but find that I do my best thinking and resolving practically with little trials and models using paper, clay, copper or aluminium before progressing to silver.

What handmade possession do you most cherish?
We have quite a few pieces of art by family members, they are really varied from stencils and screenprints from my brother (MKWF) to landscapes painted by my mother-in-law (Sue Luxton).

What do you when you are stuck in a creative rut?
Take a break, make tea and eat a biscuit. If I get really stuck then a change of scenery and if possible the beach work well.

Where would you like to be in ten years? 

Still making, with a bigger workspace, preferably with other makers in a studio for the company, with a successful business that has grown steadily and healthily. 

Thank you Katy, thank you for such a lovely interview.  You can find Katy's incredible jewellery in Made in Britain.
Made in Britain
(next to Carluccios)
Quakers Friars
Cabot Circus
Mon-Sat: 10am - 6pm
Sun:  11am - 5pm

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