
Meet the Maker - Lisa Malyon

Monday, July 29, 2013
Today we are delighted to introduce Lisa Malyon, her beautiful illustrated shades are gracing the ceilings of our Made in Britain shop - they are certainly lighting up our world!  Here is a little more about Lisa and her beautiful work...

Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your work? 
My name is Lisa Malyon and my drawings of buildings and structures are exhibited under the name 'Built in Bristol'. The drawings are deliberately left to look 'incomplete', this way the viewer's gaze is drawn into the work as only certain portions are given a detailed finish. The Made in Britain shop is first to launch my new range of individually hand drawn lamp and ceiling shades.

Apart from creating things what else do you enjoy doing? 
I work as a Creative Coach for those in business that might need some help either with prioritising or marketing. I am, by nature, a problem solver and enjoy working one-to-one with someone who might need a bit of direction. I am also a keen user of Twitter and, find it a very useful tool to network and find out about arty goings on in and around Bristol. A day trip to London exhibitions always inspires me and tops up my art-o-meter. 

Where does your inspiration come from? 
My love of architecture, the built environment and Bristol. I am inspired by all styles and periods of historical architecture as well as contemporary; good design being the key. 

Describe your studio or workspace? 
Well, that would be my dining room table.  I picked it up from a house-clearance shop, it’s tubular chrome with a circular smoked glass top. 

What is a typical work day for you? 
I work part-time job in the evenings three nights a week so I have no need for an alarm. When I get up I turn on the radio and, as the creative moment takes me, start drawing on either pastel paper or directly onto linen lamp shade. I use my own photos of Bristol buildings as reference. 

What do you love most about what you do? 
Creating opportunities to exhibit my work. 

If you could peek inside the studio of any artist, designer or craftsman (dead or alive), who would it be? 

Which local artist/maker do you most admire? 
Terry Williams, a painter who specializes in buildings and structures. I only recently discovered his work on the South Bristol Arts Trail; he has no online presence and only exhibits during the arts trail in his house.

Tell us your current loves: 
* Shop - there is a strange gravitational pull that draws me into any charity or second-hand furniture shop that I pass 
* Restaurant / CafĂ© – The River Station
* Blog- Bristol Culture 
* Magazine – I haven’t bought a magazine in years but occasionally flick through Sunday supplements as I find them. 
* Book – ‘The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt’ and  Evan Davis’ ‘Made in Britain’, coincidentally. 
* Designer / maker / artist – Tacita Dean’s Roaring Forties chalk drawings and anything by Cornelia Parker 

If you were stranded in the wilds somewhere, what item would you need with you the most? 
A book to help me identify edible wild food.

Thank you Lisa, oh yes, great idea - a book on edible wild food!  We like that.  You can find Lisa's beautiful shades in our Made in Britain shop.  If you are super lucky you might get to meet her too, as she is one of the team!

Made in Britain 
Quakers Friars
Cabot Circus

Opens Daily:
Mon - Sat:  10am - 6pm
Sun: 11am - 5pm

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