
Meet the Maker - Lynsey Walters

Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Please meet one of our Made in Britain team members, Lynsey Walters.  Lynsey's intricate felt jewellery is proving a huge hit with our customers.  Here is a little interview about her...

Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your work? 
My name is Lynsey Walters and I have been designing and making felt jewellery and accessories for the last 13 years.

Apart from creating things what else do you do? 
Mainly I am a mum of two exhausting but lovely small children and a collector of beautiful things - or at least things that I find to be beautiful - my husband often disagrees. 
When did you know you were an artist/maker? 
Since creating birthday cards for my family and Christmas decorations for my room as a very small child I knew I wanted to create for a living. This was confirmed in Primary School aged 7 years, when myself and a school chum created a papier mache mouth full of felt food, it won the Co-op art prize and was displayed in the Dunfermline Co-op. All of my artistic leanings were confirmed at this point! 
What do you love most about working in your chosen discipline? 
The density of colour that can be created with felt, its diversity and the way I can make things with it that people don't expect. 

Where does your inspiration come from? 
My inspiration comes from a wonderful imaginary garden crossed with a delicious haberdashery shop, that and a slightly odd sense of humour. 
Describe your studio or workspace? 
Well, it is literally a cupboard without any cat swinging room at all. Most who see it are appalled by it but I love it. It is decorated pretty much floor to ceiling with above mentioned beautiful things on one side and all of my felt making provisions on the other. 

If you could peek inside the studio of any artist, designer or craftsman (dead or alive), who would it be? 
Julie Arkell. I have met her a few times and she is completely lovely, as is her work. 

How would you describe your creative process? 
Very hands on, I only really sketch things briefly to get it out of my head and down somewhere where it cannot be forgotten. Apart from that I create every piece, make and take apart again until I am happy with it. 
What handmade possession do you most cherish? 
My wedding ring made by Tanja Uffer, it was created from gold that she re-claimed from jewellery of my beloved gran. 

What do you when you are stuck in a creative rut? 
Stop thinking about it. 

Where would you like to be in ten years? 
If I am still here making and making a living in 10 years I will be delighted.

Thank you Lynsey, we adore your necklaces!  You can find Lynsey's delicious felt jewellery for sale in our Made in Britain shop, where you can see for yourself how lovely they really are.

Made in Britain
Quakers Friars
Cabot Circus
Open daily:
Mon - Sat: 10am - 6pm
Sun:  11am - 5pm

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