
Meet the Maker - Sarah Le Corre / Dolly What Not

Friday, August 09, 2013
Today's Meet the Maker interview comes from local lass Sarah Le Corre.  Sarah's beautiful cards and designs can be found in the SUMMER Paper Scissors Stone shop, here is more about her and her inspiration...

Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your work? 
Hello. I’m Sarah Le Corre the name behind Dolly What Not. I design & make homemade cards & gifts from my home in Bristol where I live with my partner & our 4 children. Working from home is perfect for me, I can spread my time between family life & work. I have to be fairly organised, when designs are ready to be made up I’ll spend a day cutting out, then the next I’ll sew pieces together & so on. This works well for me & helps me keep track of where I am. 

Apart from creating things what else do you enjoy doing? 
When I’m, not working or doodling around with ideas I love to read. My work gives me the escapism I love but reading takes me somewhere completely different, I love getting lost in a good story… 

Where does your inspiration come from? 
My inspiration comes from all around me, I love colour & textures. A jar of mixed buttons can get me terribly excited by all the possibilities…. I love the outside & nature. I enjoy adding birds & flowers to my pieces, building them up with fabrics then sewing an outline & watching them come to life. 

Describe your studio or workspace? 
I work from home in what should be our dining room. The kids had it first as their playroom but I managed to steal it away!... it’s not quite there yet regarding décor, in my mind I know how it will finally look, but in the meantime its home to my fabric & button stash & its my own space where I can escape… 

What is a typical work day for you? 
Once I’ve dropped  the kids to school I then sit down & go through emails & any work that needs doing on my web site & then it’s into my work space where I catch up with orders & new designs. 

What do you love most about what you do? 
I love creating things I have done since an early age. I love to sketch ideas then watch as they come to life. I love receiving feedback from customers & taking on bespoke designs & helping them bring to life an idea they have. 

If you could peek inside the studio of any artist, designer or craftsman (dead or alive), who would it be?

Which local artist/maker do you most admire? 
My mum, Ann Le Corre shes a landscape artist, I love the delicacy of her work. 

Tell us your current loves:
* Shop : Cox and Baloney… fab for vintage finds. 
* Restaurant / Café: Carluccios… 
* Blog : Made in Bristol of course!!
* Magazine: vintage life
* Book: having kids has made me a huge harry potter fan! 
* Designer / maker / artist: Robert Heindel 

If you were stranded in the wilds somewhere, what item would you need with you the most? 
My sketch book.

Thank you Sarah!  Just pretty designs, we love them.  If you head down to Paper Scissors Stone this SUMMER you will be able to buy your own Dolly What Not cards.

Paper Scissors Stone
Quakers Friars
Cabot Circus

Opens Daily:
Mon - Sat: 10am - 6pm
Sun:  11am - 5pm

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