
Holiday Homes - Drawn in Bristol's Summer Exhibition

Monday, June 09, 2014
Today is the start of Drawn in Bristol's Summer exhibition at No1 The Harbourside.  This year the theme is 'Holiday Homes'. We caught up with Jayde Perkins (Exhibition Manager) to find out more...

Please can you introduce yourself and tell as a little about what you do
Hi! My name is Jayde and I'm a freelance illustrator, based in the Drawn in Bristol studios in Hamilton House (Stokes Croft). I've recently taken over the role of Exhibition Manager of Drawn in Bristol alongside Paul Roberts – we make a good team! 

Dave Bain
Could you tell us about your exhibition 'Holiday Homes'?
'Holiday Homes' is Drawn in Bristol's Summer Show, it comprises of 30 wooden bird houses that have all been individually hand painted by different artists, giving a really eclectic range of varied styles, themes and techniques – it's going to look great when its all up! 

Poppy Reid
How did this idea come about? 
This is the first exhibition Paul and myself have organised as a team, and we're hoping to do one every season, as this is our summer show, we liked the idea of summer holidays and beach huts cropped up, then it just so happened that the few weeks that worked out best time-wise coincided with the Festival of Nature (14th/15th June), and ta-da; bird-houses! 

Who are contributing to the exhibition? 
We've got thirty lovely local artists involved, who are mostly members of Drawn in Bristol collective, or based in the studio, and we've got a few guest illustrators too, so its an exciting mix of creative people! 

Poppy Reid
Why bird houses? 
As I mentioned earlier the exhibition coincides with the Festival of Nature, so it makes sense. I think as an artist, it's really refreshing to get out of your comfort zone now and again, and work to a different scale and format, and just have fun with it! It also means that every single bird house has been made specifically for the exhibition, and each one is a one-off, which I feel makes it unique and exciting! 

Dani Calross
We understand a percentage of the sale will go to St Mungo's Homeless charity, why that particular charity? 
As all of the artists involved are local, we wanted to keep the charity local too, St Mungo's made sense on an aesthetic level with painting houses, but mainly because we wanted to support the fantastic work they do here in Bristol for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 

Claire Shorrock painting
What bird would you like to nest in your box? 
An Owl, hopefully with her own book shelf and tiny armchair where she spends long nocturnal nights reading. 

Jayde Perkins
And finally, where is the exhibition? 
No 1 Harbourside (Bristol BS1 5UH), the private view is Thursday 12th of June and there'll be live music, everyone's welcome! 

Thank you Jayde.  The bird houses are magnificent. We hope an owl or two will take up residence.

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