
Meet The Maker: Hannah Broadway

Sunday, November 04, 2018
Three framed A4 prints: whisk, mustard and a lemon by Hannah Broadway
Before we begin, can we just check - have you made yourself a cuppa in your favourite mug? Are sitting comfortably in your preferred chair? Are wearing an item of clothing that makes you feel good? Why do we ask that?  Well, today’s maker appreciates the little things in life that help make each day just that little bit more enjoyable. Dear reader, I am talking about the inimitable illustrator, artist, and lover of colour, Hannah Broadway…

Sitting pretty in this shelfie is Hannah Broadway's framed Chinese Lantern print, from a series about what makes our homes homely.
Sitting pretty in this shelfie is Hannah Broadway's framed Chinese Lantern print, from a series about what makes our homes homely.
Hi there! To begin with please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your practice?
Hello, I’m Hannah. I’m an illustrator and designer. I have a couple of strands to my work, one is working for commercial clients on briefs and commissions and the other bit, is what you see here - pictures and prints I make to sell - sharing my love of the little things in life!

'Coffee and the paper' framed A4 sized print from the Little Things in Life series by Hannah Broadway
'Coffee and the paper' framed A4 sized print from the Little Things in Life series by Hannah Broadway

What do you love most about working in your chosen discipline?
I love drawing and colour! I also love the communication of an idea or a feeling through pictures. I really think pictures can make our lives better, more enriched and that making our surroundings prettier, cosier and more homely helps us to relax.

Brightening up any home with a good dose of celebration of the A-Z of the Little Things in Life. A1 framed print by Hannah Broadway.
Brightening up any home with a good dose of celebration of the A-Z of the Little Things in Life. A1 framed print by Hannah Broadway.
What is currently your most popular creation?
Lots of my Bristol prints are very popular, but I also have a couple of real stalwarts! My Dancing in the Kitchen print and my you & me have been really successful over the years. They are both part of my A-Z of the little things in life - which is also ten this year! This series started life as 26 prints, but later I put them altogether in the A1 sized print I sell today. I have updated the images along the way, and changed a few colours here and there, but the essence hasn’t changed, I’ve been celebrating the little things in life for a decade now - Yay!

Hannah Broadway celebrates one of the little things in life with this signed A4 framed 'Dancing in the Kitchen' prints.
Hannah Broadway celebrates one of the little things in life with this signed A4 framed 'Dancing in the Kitchen' prints.
What are some of your biggest creative influences or inspirations?
Those of you who know me, or follow me on social media, will know I am a massive David Hockney fan! In fact, I have been playing homage to him and his sartorial genius during October - or ‘Hocktober’ as I like to call it! I’m massively inspired by other makers and illustrators. I can’t walk past a bookshop without having a happy browse in the kids section. I love things and surround myself with lots of stuff that I think feeds my brain!

Behind Hannah's monitor is a plethora of colourful inspiration, as well pens, brushes, sketchbooks and other tools of the trade!
Behind Hannah's monitor is a plethora of colourful inspiration, as well pens, brushes, sketchbooks and other tools of the trade!
Tell us about your studio…
It’s a crazy mess at the moment, and usually is, if I’m honest! I’m a messy person… But I have a big desk and a big computer, with piles of paper, and pens and sketchbooks around me. I have a shelf in front of where I sit, which is full of objects and pictures that I love. I also love sewing, so my studio is full of fabric, a sewing machine and ‘Dotty’ my dressmaker’s dummy.

Can you describe your creative process? How do you go about designing a new piece?
Lots of scribble drawings, walking, thinking, writing stuff down in whatever form it comes into my head!  All of my work starts as a drawing, and then I scan that and use the computer to add colour and create and play with composition and type.

Just one of Hannah's mugs, alongside her specs and a sneaky peek at a new print in progress...
Just one of Hannah's mugs, alongside her specs and a sneaky peek at a new print in progress...

What are some of the biggest challenges in your work?
Deadlines! And juggling life really. My husband and I are both freelance creatives, which is awesome, but also a bit scary sometimes. I’m not very good at saying no to work. We also have a six year old - she keeps us busy!

What handmade possession do you most cherish? (Bonus points for mentioning another Bristol maker!)
Oh gawd - I just have so many!… My sister (Ruth Broadway aka Ruby & The Paper Parade) has just made me a paper mug - it’s beautiful, totally unpractical obviously, but just so lush - I have a thing for mugs!  I also am a massive jewellery junkie and treasure so many pieces from lovely makers. Kay Morgan is a genius and I have several pieces by her - my current favourite is a blue twisted leather bangle. I have an obsession with Miesje Chafer’s pattern work and her printed, folded fabric, hoop earrings are delicious, so are Bec's (PriorMade) hoops - which I am pleased to say I nudged her into making – in fact I think it’s time I got a new pair... *quickly goes to Priormade’s Etsy shop!*  Oh, and Stephanie Tudor’s rings are amazing and on my want list is a pair of Dakota Rae Dust’s earrings and an Emotional Waterfall necklace please!

Could this be a portrait of the artist through their most utilised tools?

What do you when you are stuck in a creative rut?
Sleep or go for a walk.

Where would you like to be in ten years?
Errrrr I’m rubbish at these ones - I’m not very ambitious - I guess I would like to still be making, enjoying what I’m doing and hanging out with my teenage daughter!

Thanks HB – we look forward to seeing you on Saturday 24 & 25 November and 1 December at our Made in Bristol Gift Fairs at Colston Hall. 

You can also see Hannah’s pieces featured in our first ever Made in Bristol Designer-Maker Gift Guide.

Photography thanks:
Products by Jo Hounsome Photography.
Studio shots by Hannah Broadway. 


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